03 April 2008

Rut, anyone?

I haaaaate the last few weeks of school. There is a month and a week left until moving day, and it cannot come soon enough. All the things that I've put of all semester are needing to be done, like now. Can I please wake up on May 10th to a fully packed apartment and no huge papers or client notes to catch up on? Thanks.

I'd also like to sit down and have a real conversation with my husband. I don't want to have to catch up on each others' lives over the phone every night after 10pm. It's getting really old. Rephrase, it's been old for about a year now. We're less than a month away from our one year anniversary though, so that's sort of fun. He's getting a gas grill, and I'm getting a Wii, if we can find one. Neither of us are very good with surprises when it comes to gifts.

Cav wife update: It looks like we will be moving while Todd is deployed, or at least I'll be moving all our crap. They are building new jr. officer housing on post, and they're bigger with bigger garages, and supposedly are nicer. Plus we'll only be connected to one other unit as opposed to three. Rumor is that it will have to be a self move, and that the Army won't pay for it or provide trucks. Lovely, lets have all of these wives and kids move. Poop on you Uncle Sam.