21 April 2008


Yes, I slacked this weekend since I was out of town.
Saturday was the letter F. On the same note as Erin's post, I will talk about my friends.
It's funny--when you move or are moving to a cool place, everyone and their brother gets so excited and says they'll visit you. I'm wondering how many people will visit us in the 2 years (at least) that we're in Colorado Springs. I'm betting it won't be very many.
I understand that people have lives, but it would be very nice to have people come out to visit, especially when he is deployed. Of course I practice favortism, and I do hope that some people visit more than others, but I think that's normal. I want the people closer to me to visit the most, obviously. I just realized that I am one of these "oh I'll totally visit you!" people. My friend moved to Norfolk, VA for the Navy. He's been there for over three years, and someone I consider a very good friend. Have I visited? No. What a hypocrite I am.


Stephanie said...

that's why it's nice to live by the beach--people actually DO visit either me specifically or they're in the area with family/friends beaching it up!(though i too have many friends who i've yet to see...)