So I was reading another knottie blog, and she was playing the alphabet game--a new post for each letter of the alphabet. Since I move in 26 days, I thought, "Hey, there are 26 letters in the alphabet!" Smart, right? So for the next 26 days, I will blog about my thoughts and various other things about moving in alphabetical order. Today, of course, is A.A is for anxiety.
As much as I am looking forward to moving, I'm pretty nervous about it. I have a ton of stuff to do for school, not to mention packing up my whole life, in the next four weeks. Plus, as much as I love it out there now, what if I hate it? What if I can't find an internship or a job? What if 15 months in a new place without my husband turns me into a crazy person? What if I can't make any friends? So yeah, I'm just a little anxious about this massive change that's about to take place in my life. I think it's normal though, especially since he will be deployed for 15 months not too long after I get there. For the most part, I'm staying positive.
Having faith and taking adventures are all part of being a Cav wife right? Hooah, and all that jazz.
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