15 April 2008

Babies and Bookshelves

Although babies won in my poll, I cannot ignore my poor empty bookshelves. Today is the letter B.

The teddy bear seemed fitting since we're talking about babies. What do babies have to do with moving, you ask? A lot when you're moving onto an Army post in 3.5 weeks. We don't have any kids, and sometimes I feel like quite the outcast around my Cav wife friends. Everyone has kids or is pregnant...or both. My uterus is a barren cave right now, and we plan on keeping it that way for a few more years. While I might feel my ovaries go all a-flutter when I see a cute kid, it definitely goes away when they start screaming, pooping, eating, etc. No way man.

Thankfully, I've recently met two pretty cool fellow Cav wives that have no plans for kids for awhile either. One lives in my neighborhood, and the other's husband is deploying with mine. I'm hoping for childfree girls nights in our future.

Now onto bookshelves. I started packing last weekend, and even though I only packed up my books and decluttered, my apartment feels so empty. Behold, my empty bookshelves, and all my glorious books in boxes:

Very sad, but we have two empty bookshelves in Colorado waiting to be filled. This also means that I can buy more books.

Any recommendations would be lovely.


Emily Ann said...


Check my blog for instructions.