21 April 2008


Today is the letter H.
I took this H picture from another blogspot blog. She makes cool letters. Her name is at the bottom of the letter if you want to check out her blog.
So what is home exactly? Is it where someone is from? Where they currently live? Where their geo-bachelor husband lives and where they're moving in 19 days? I currently have three "homes" and it gets confusing, especially when talking about predeployment leave travel from Colorado Springs to Chicago. I would really like to just have one home, and that most likely will not happen until active duty is over. At least I'll only have two in 19 days, and I think I will consider our house on post our "home". I can't think of it as just a house we happen to live in during this period in our lives. Even the thought makes me feel lonely.
My friend gave us a big panoramic of the Chicago skyline for our wedding. We have a sky view of Comiskey (yes, not The Cell) hanging in our living room, and a cool funky drawing of all of the Chicago neighborhoods in our office. This is all so we can have a "little piece of home" in Colorado. Just because I call Colorado home doesn't mean that I've forgotten where I came from. I'll always love Chicago, but for the time being at least, Colorado will be my home.


Angie said...

ucI love reading your blog! And I love the fact that you update daily, unlike some people we know....

::points to self::

Stephanie said...

home is where the army takes you :)