Happy 1 year anniversary to Todd and me!
Note the hot pink nails, Todd's casual apparel, and the bucket of beer in the background. High class court house ceremony.
And 9 days til moving day! Yay!
30 April 2008
Happy Anniversary, and single digits!
Posted by sherbieface at 23:41 1 comments
26 April 2008
So I got a little lazy with my ABC's...
With two weeks to go til moving day, I'm just a wee tad busy. Packing, cleaning, and cramming a semester's worth of client intakes, progress notes and practicum papers does not a happy Sheri make. This is what I get for being a procrastinator. However, I wrote a 20 page paper in less than three days this past week, and it was pretty good if I do say so myself. I work well under pressure. If I didn't, I'd have died by now.
Posted by sherbieface at 21:50 1 comments
24 April 2008
Posted by sherbieface at 15:22 1 comments
Labels: Random
22 April 2008
Today is the letter I, and I'm feeling lazy.
Of course I will be listening to my iPod while my mom and I trek it to Colorado. My sister told me that my iPod was full of lullabies, not driving music. Please give me suggestions for songs to download that are "driving songs". Any genre, decade, etc, and I'll give them a listen.
Posted by sherbieface at 18:42 4 comments
21 April 2008
Posted by sherbieface at 14:09 2 comments
Sunday was the letter G.
If you would have asked me before I met Todd if I would ever consider marrying someone in the military, I would have said Hell No. I had a picture in my head of what a military wife was: how she behaved, what she thought, her views on life, etc. That was not who I was, and what I thought then is not who I am now. The media sometimes portrays military wives as uneducated babymakers, so that's the idea I (sadly) had in my head. Women I've met who share my role as military wife, as well as myself, have helped me create a new picture in my head of who we are. It's a little blurry, because as corny as this sounds, we're all different. Of course my current stereotype exists in the military community--it exists everywhere, and it wouldn't be a stereotype if it didn't. I'm just glad I don't perpetuate it.
That being said, I'm supposed to be talking about the government. One of the reasons I never thought I'd be in this position is the government, and politics. I'm a liberal. I don't like violence. I've joked about whisking my family away to Canada. I don't trust a certain president farther than I could throw him. The list goes on. I never thought I'd be so invested in some decisions that were made for this country, and maybe I'm still not, but I feel like I am. Sometimes when I'm in Army wife mode, I feel like I have to check my beliefs at the door to fit in, but that is slowly not happening. I'm meeting people that feel like I do, at least about some things. I am who I am, I guess, take it or leave it.
Posted by sherbieface at 07:35 0 comments
Labels: Army
Posted by sherbieface at 07:19 1 comments
18 April 2008
Rather than blogging about something directly related to moving or the Army today, I'm going to tell you a little bit about my friend Erin.
Erin and I met in our masters program, and quickly fell in hetero-love. People think we've been friends for much longer than we have been, and I can see why. We have numerous lame inside jokes, love to make fun of people, and are both extremely sarcastic and straightforward. I will be pretty much lost without her in Colorado...I say that in the least pathetic and creepy way possible.
I was so afraid that I wasn't going to make any lasting friendships in grad school. I came in knowing no one, so I just put myself out there. Erin thought I was a massive weirdo at first, and probably sort of a snob, but whatever. I converted her to nerd-dom, and she really helped me stop taking myself, and everyone else, so seriously all the time.
We are having our final "let's drink wine, eat greasy Chinese food, and watch bad TV" night this coming Monday. It makes me a little sad, and I'll probably cry, and then she will make fun of me. Whatev, it's how we do.
This blog makes me feel like an emo kid.
Posted by sherbieface at 12:28 2 comments
17 April 2008
I am driving to Fort Carson in my little red Escape. My mom is driving in the car with me, and my dad is driving the little 10' moving truck. He doesn't trust either one of us wimmens to drive it, so my mom and I are road trippin'.
Fort Carson is a 16 hour drive from my parent's neighborhood in Chicago (1093 miles) and a 14 hour and 45 minute drive from my little town (1025 miles). It should be an interesting trip for my mom and I. We tend to annoy each other with our driving habits.
According to her, I drive too fast, take turns too fast...basically everything is too fast. My complaints about her are, of course, that she does everything too slow. I'm curious to see how she'll react to the 75mph speed limits through most of Nebraska. I absolutely love it. I'm going to make sure I have some Motown for her on my ipod so she will be too busy rocking out to notice if I'm speeding. I may not speed a lot though--last time I got pulled over 50 miles into my trip for going 81 in a 65. Yay for my Army Wife licence plate holder and a young cop--I got a written warning that said 74 in a 65. I'm willing to bet my dad will get pulled over though. He is a speed demon, and has gotten pulled over in almost every state he's driven through, at least in the midwest.
Posted by sherbieface at 10:54 1 comments
Labels: Moving
16 April 2008
Carson, and a little bit about California
Now a little tidbit about Fort Irwin, California, aka, "The Box". Todd got there yesterday for NTC. He is not too excited about it, but I am. Why am I happy about my husband training for his upcoming deployment in the California desert, you ask? Because when he comes home to Colorado, I'll be there.
Posted by sherbieface at 06:52 2 comments
15 April 2008
Babies and Bookshelves
The teddy bear seemed fitting since we're talking about babies. What do babies have to do with moving, you ask? A lot when you're moving onto an Army post in 3.5 weeks. We don't have any kids, and sometimes I feel like quite the outcast around my Cav wife friends. Everyone has kids or is pregnant...or both. My uterus is a barren cave right now, and we plan on keeping it that way for a few more years. While I might feel my ovaries go all a-flutter when I see a cute kid, it definitely goes away when they start screaming, pooping, eating, etc. No way man.
Thankfully, I've recently met two pretty cool fellow Cav wives that have no plans for kids for awhile either. One lives in my neighborhood, and the other's husband is deploying with mine. I'm hoping for childfree girls nights in our future.
Now onto bookshelves. I started packing last weekend, and even though I only packed up my books and decluttered, my apartment feels so empty. Behold, my empty bookshelves, and all my glorious books in boxes:
Very sad, but we have two empty bookshelves in Colorado waiting to be filled. This also means that I can buy more books.
Any recommendations would be lovely.
Posted by sherbieface at 10:30 1 comments
14 April 2008
A game.
So I was reading another knottie blog, and she was playing the alphabet game--a new post for each letter of the alphabet. Since I move in 26 days, I thought, "Hey, there are 26 letters in the alphabet!" Smart, right? So for the next 26 days, I will blog about my thoughts and various other things about moving in alphabetical order. Today, of course, is A.
A is for anxiety.
As much as I am looking forward to moving, I'm pretty nervous about it. I have a ton of stuff to do for school, not to mention packing up my whole life, in the next four weeks. Plus, as much as I love it out there now, what if I hate it? What if I can't find an internship or a job? What if 15 months in a new place without my husband turns me into a crazy person? What if I can't make any friends? So yeah, I'm just a little anxious about this massive change that's about to take place in my life. I think it's normal though, especially since he will be deployed for 15 months not too long after I get there. For the most part, I'm staying positive.
Having faith and taking adventures are all part of being a Cav wife right? Hooah, and all that jazz.
Posted by sherbieface at 08:15 0 comments
Labels: Moving
10 April 2008
09 April 2008
Gas prices completely suck. Here in my tiny town in the middle of cornfields, gas is $3.41-$3.51. When will the madness end?
Posted by sherbieface at 06:41 2 comments
Labels: Rants
07 April 2008
I have issues.
You would think someone in my position would avoid depressing songs, TV shows, movies, etc, at all costs. But no. It's like I seek them out.
I listen to sad songs, I cry.
I watch reruns of Army Wives, I cry
I go and see effing Stop Loss, which was terrible and innaccurate, and I still cry.
I really hope that I'm not some kind of basketcase when he's deployed. Sometimes I think that I will be, and then sometimes I think I'll be ok. And I guess if I'm being realistic, it'll be a little bit of both. In all honesty, I fully intend on finding a therapist soon after moving to Colorado. Hopefully Tricare will cover me going off post, because I really don't want to go to ACS for it. I wonder if they'll cover me without a diagnosis? I wonder what it would be? Situational anxiety? Who knows.
Posted by sherbieface at 22:26 0 comments
Labels: Army, Deployment
04 April 2008
Today's Oprah
I'm watching it right now, since I wasn't home earlier when it was on. Puppy mills make me so incredibly sad. I really hope that Todd and I are able to rescue a dog when I move to Colorado. I've heard from a lot of people that it's a pretty selective process. I've seen some applications, and they're super long.
OHMYGOD. I just saw some poor dogs be euthanized and put in a dumpster. Poor babies. I don't know why I watch things like this. It just makes me sad, and then I want to adopt every dog I see.
Posted by sherbieface at 14:01 0 comments
03 April 2008
His name is Taco, and he is a two year old terrier mix being fostered through a rescue in CO Springs. I love his scruffiness, and he looks so sad.
Posted by sherbieface at 22:13 0 comments
Labels: Dog
Rut, anyone?
I haaaaate the last few weeks of school. There is a month and a week left until moving day, and it cannot come soon enough. All the things that I've put of all semester are needing to be done, like now. Can I please wake up on May 10th to a fully packed apartment and no huge papers or client notes to catch up on? Thanks.
I'd also like to sit down and have a real conversation with my husband. I don't want to have to catch up on each others' lives over the phone every night after 10pm. It's getting really old. Rephrase, it's been old for about a year now. We're less than a month away from our one year anniversary though, so that's sort of fun. He's getting a gas grill, and I'm getting a Wii, if we can find one. Neither of us are very good with surprises when it comes to gifts.
Cav wife update: It looks like we will be moving while Todd is deployed, or at least I'll be moving all our crap. They are building new jr. officer housing on post, and they're bigger with bigger garages, and supposedly are nicer. Plus we'll only be connected to one other unit as opposed to three. Rumor is that it will have to be a self move, and that the Army won't pay for it or provide trucks. Lovely, lets have all of these wives and kids move. Poop on you Uncle Sam.
Posted by sherbieface at 12:54 0 comments