29 November 2008

You know you're obsessed with Twilight when...

*You're in the car, and the sappy song on the radio makes you think of Edward and Bella, not your deployed husband that you haven't seen in three months.

*When you talk about how much you hate how whiny Bella is in New Moon, you feel guilty, because it's almost like she might find out and not want to be your friend anymore.

*Your friend mentions wanting to learn Italian, but says it's probably useless, and you say, "Not if you run into the Volturi!"

*At Garden of the Gods, your friend takes a picture "lifting" a huge rock, and you both say, "Strong like vampire!"

*While laying in bed feeling cold, you think, "I'd be warmer if Jacob were here."

How do you know you're obsessed with Twilight/the whole series?

**An addition, courtesy of Erin, a Twilight newbie**

You ask your husband why his hands are so cold, and he says, "I'm Edward". You then text Sheri while giggling with delight, knowing she will appreciate it.

PS--Erin, if that were true, I would be *that* friend that tries to seduce your husband.


Stephanie said...

-when the only thing on my christmas list is edward cullen.
-when i took a month to read eclipse because i wanted to savor each chapter & am doing the same w/ breaking dawn (a chapter a day keeps the doctor away...what?)
-when what i want most out of andrew is that he sparkle in the sunshine

i'm sure there's more. i'll think on this, lol..

lizard queen said...

-when your doctor tells you to go to the lab to get blood drawn and you're reluctant, knowing Edward won't be waiting in the hall to swoop you up in your dizzy/nauseous state afterward

lizard queen said...

-you refer to Cedric Diggory as Edward while watching the goblet of fire