23 May 2008

Paulie the pouncer

Paulie has been pretty aggressive with his biting this week, and after talking to a behaviorist, we are thinking it is a dominance and lack of training issue. The behaviorist sounded great, but was really expensive, so we have decided to go the traditional obedience route while researching dominance and trying the techniques ourselves. Today was our first day establishing our dominance with him, and he seems to be making a little improvement. We know it'll be a slow process, but we're willing to try. The expensive "come to your home" behaviorist will be our last resort.

So here is Todd playing with Paulie, and making sure he only chews his toy, not Todd.

And here are some pictures of him being a little angel this past week, just so you know he's not all evil. =)


Courtney @ I CAN DO THIS said...

I told you Mako was a bad puppy. I took him to Petsmart training classes, which only worked to teach him sit, down and stay.

Then we took him to this tough love-type trainer who had trained all of XFI's family's labs...
I left in tears the first night, but they talked me into this collar:

It doesn't hurt (she put it on me and showed me) but it gets their attention. We had to drill with him A LOT.

But now, Mako is really well behaved and any time I put that collar on, he's a perfect angel.

Also, an easy way to instill the dominance thing is to make him sit for EVERYTHING. Before you put on his leash, before you open the door to go outside, before you put his food bowl down, before....

(sorry for the novel, but HTH)

Unknown said...

hee! I love his little hop over Todd's leg.

I hope he gets better soon!