16 May 2008

I'm not too sure if I like the vet...

He seems to be condescending, and is very old school. If he doesn't improve by the time Paulie has recovered from his neuter, we will be vet shopping.

Speaking of his neuter, we can't do it for awhile. He is underweight, has infections in both eyes (worse in the left), and may have kennel cough. He's not coughing or hacking up anything, but he is sniffling and sneezing, which are early symptoms. I'm hoping it's not kennel cough and is just a little cold. Good news though, he ate 2.5 meals today, which is fantastic. Hopefully he will gain more by the time our next visit comes up in two weeks.

Even though Paulie is under the weather, he is still a happy little pup. He loves on everyone he sees, and shakes his whole entire body until his little back legs come off the ground after a nap or going to the bathroom. It looks like his butt is going to propel him off the ground. He is also the biggest cuddler ever.

Did I mention he is also stylish?


Anonymous said...

I absolutely adore the argyle sweater. Such a good pup to put up with you sheri! :)

Stephanie said...

Precious with a capital P :)