12 May 2008


So I'm here. I slacked on taking pictures through the whole move, but I did take a few halfway through unpacking. We have so.much.stuff. I don't know where I'm going to put it all, but I have the whole (jobless) summer to organize everything to my liking.

The drive was a tad bit horrendous. Less than halfway through Iowa, it started raining. Ok, so rain isn't so bad. Howabout torrenital downpour, 50mph winds, and nasty semi's? Yes, much worse. My mother is the worst passenger ever in normal conditions, so the last thing she wanted to do was be a passenger in that. So what did she do? She drove the whole eleven hours on Saturday. The woman is crazed. So I drove the last (incredibly easy) five hours yesterday.

My parents love our house, but say it's too nice for Todd and not nice enough for me. =) They have been absolutely fantastic the last few days, which has helped me since Todd isn't back from NTC yet. They are here until Wednesday morning, then it's back to Chicago for them. I'm sure my mom will cry, since she welled up three separate times yesterday alone. Three other women that live in our neighborhood stopped by to say, "Finally!", and it made me really glad that I already know a good amount of people. I'm hoping to keep the loneliness and boredom to a minimum.

I'm sure I'll have more stories as the summer unfolds, but for now, here are some pictures:

I told you I slacked. Note little Todd enjoying some Miller Lite in the kitchen.


lizard queen said...

crazy wind, tons of rain and scary semis...sounds just like when I crashed. I'm glad you made it safe and sound. Aren't Iowa and Nebraska the most boring states you've ever seen in your life? And it feels like they never end! Well, welcome to the West! Hope you have more of a social life than I do out here. These mountain towns are full of nothing but old retired people. This fall I would love to drive through and spend a few days with you on my way to wherever I may be headed. I will be checking this blog and keeping up with your new life! LOVE!