19 July 2008

Oh yeah, the interview!

So in a post below I talked about my interview at T*E*S*S*A, and how it went well. They called me for a second interview while I was in Chicago, and I was supposed to have it this week. However, after the second interview call, they called me again to let me know that they realized they didn't have enough clients to take on new interns for the fall, but will probably be interviewing for the January crop later this year. Sucks, but what can I do?

I'm going to volunteer for an event there next month, so that should help my cause in case I can't find and internship that starts in September. I'm applying for one more, and just waiting on one more recommendation letter to send my packet in. It's a huge mental health agency here in Colorado Springs, so it's be great experience. However, it's really diagnosis driven and medical model based, which is what I've been doing for the past two years. I wanted something a little different, but at this point I'll take what I can get. If I don't get this agency one, I've been invited to do the September training at T*E*S*S*A so that I wouldn't have to do it in January. Sort of makes me think that they'd accept me in January, and almost makes me want to hold out for it.

I just want to finish this damn degree and keep busy while Todd is deployed. I've also applied for 2 PRN hospital jobs as a mental health counselor, so hopefully I get one of those.

Now it's time to go see Dark Knight! Yay for cheaper IMAX matinee prices.


Angie said...

You're alive!! Glad to hear that your trip went well! GL with the interviewing and applying for internships--I'm sure that something will open up for you.