18 July 2008

Holy huge update

I haven't updated in forever since we were in Chicago for Todd's predeployment leave. Here is what's been going on...

Chicago was three super busy weeks. We went to the Taste, saw some Sox games, and pretty much saw everyone we know. We ate like crap almost the whole time, and did not exercise. Well ok, I didn't exercise. Todd did. I'm sure that doesn't surprise anyone. It was so freaking humid, the last thing I wanted to to do was be outside, not to mention running in it. No humidity = point for Colorado Springs. We also had a going away BBQ for Todd one Saturday, and it was really great to have our families and friends in one it saved on gas for us.


Gas in Chicago was around $4.40 for regular unleaded. It's $3.95 here. Another point for Colorado Springs.

::end sidebar::

We had two wedding while we were home too, and those were fabulous. I love weddings that I don't have to plan. The second one was a little sad for me; I kept doing the "this is the last time we'll..." crap. I chalk that up to too many cocktails, and the fact that everyone and their brother asks me about Todd deploying. More on that later.

You will notice that there are no pictures in this blog. That's because I barely took any, and if I'm being totally honest, most of them were of Paulie. I can't help it. I took some at the wedding, but (being honest again) I don't feel like digging through my purse to get my camera. I fail at documenting our life. I bet our kids won't even have baby books.

For those of you that don't know, I drove to Chicago with Paulie by myself. It wasn't as much as an adventure as I though it would be. Paulie was sedated (yay!), and Nebraska is the worst state ever to drive through by yourself. I may have called everyone in my phonebook while driving through Nebraska. Seriously, it's miserable.

As much fun as I had in Chicago (I love my friends and family, and do miss them very much), I'm very glad to be back in Colorado. I've sort of been feeling like a nomad this summer--it's like as soon as I get settled somewhere, I'm going somewhere else. I still haven't unpacked, but I plan on doing it tonight (a master procrastinator's favorite phrase). I won't be back in Chicago again until October for another wedding, and then again for Christmas. Both will be without Todd, but I really have no say in that. Stay tuned for Army life/Cav wife updates later this weekend.