21 October 2008

Quick updates

Since a number of people have told me to update my blog, here is the month of October:

1. I like my hair now. It's faded to a nice, super dark, rich brown. I also like having bangs.

2. Erin's wedding was absolutely beautiful. I said Shit! really loud in church, but I was a great train fluffer. I will post pics when her photog posts some. Downside: It really hit me that Todd was gone, and I had a little tearful moment at the reception. Thank god my parents were there. I was still an excellent MOH though. =)

3. Paulie graduated Basic Obedience! I'm pretty sure he was on the SpEd track though. He only knows sit, down, and come here. We're working on all the other stuff, and should have a vibrating collar soon. He is almost completely potty trained.

4. I had fun visitors, and I'm so glad they came. However, I left my phone in a bathroom at a bar. I got a fun new phone, and I love it.

5. I have an unofficially official internship where I currently work. I got the OK from the CEO and the head of HR. Paperwork will be signed soon. I start in January and will have my MSed in May. Yessssss.

6. It is cold here. The overnight temp is supposed to be around 27. It may snow. I hate winter. But oh wait, it's supposed to be in the 60's this weekend--maybe CoSpgs isn't that different from Chicago. It's sort of comforting.

7. Todd is doing well. Today is the first day I haven't talked to him in over a week. It takes about 2-2.5 weeks for mail to get there, for those of you sending things. It's hot there, which will stay consistent for the next year. He will have 2 weeks of leave to come home sometime in early spring. Yay!

8. I became part of the CA(sualty) RE(sponse) team for Todd's unit. If someone's husband (son, brother, sister, wife, etc) is killed or wounded, I can be activated to help with whatever they need in the days following the notification. It was strange and sad, but sort of comforting, to have death talked about so matter of factly in the training. Again, it made the deployment more real for me, but I feel some sort of internal obligation to help. I'd want people to help me if something happens to Todd, and it helps me feel more connected.

9. I'm on week 7 of my running program (of 9). My longest running time so far is 25 minutes, and I'm damn proud of it. I could barely run for 60 seconds when I started. My Weight Watchers is not going as well. Even though I've lost some weight, I know it could be more. Every meeting I have is a potluck meeting! And there are potlucks at work too. And people bring donuts. And I am weak-willed. However, I am back in single digit pants sizes for the most part, which is awesome. Let me repeat, a.w.e.s.o.m.e.

I think that's it. I know I'm not consistent with blogging, but I try. New pictures of Paulie will be coming soon. He will be a pumpkin for Halloween, and we are taking Christmas pictures next week. Don't judge me.


MyRunningJourney said...

Thanks for the update!! And way to go on your running! That's a big accomplishment!!!

it's me, just me, nothing fancy, just simple me said...

what running program are you doing? i'm starting the 'couch to 5k' program so i can run with aaron when he gets home. and by the way, i like the hair! has todd seen it? you ready for the snow? and i know your unit appreciates you being on the care team. hopefully you'll never be needed. but if you are, i've been there and gone through it.